How are donations used?

Any donations made by check goes into the AHI account. Donations made through PayPal are always 3% less than the original amounts due to the transaction cost. When a child's surgery is completed, the Gansu Province People's Hospital sends AHI an invoice. We'll then wire money to the hospital's special AHI account according to the amount billed, in addition to the wiring expense and currency exchange.

100% of all public donations received will be used in this way. All other expenses are mainly paid for by our board members or by our volunteers. 

Angel Heart International wholeheartedly thanks everyone who donated to SAVE LIVES of CHD children in Gansu.  We applaud you for your love and your generosity. Do not forget your donation is tax deductible, and you will receive an e-mail confirmation for your contribution. 

We use Paypal for the convenience and security of your online donation.

Click the link if you would like to know more about the security of your online donation: Paypal


If you like to donate by check, please make check payable to:

Angel Heart International, Inc.

P.O. Box 17486
Irvine, CA 92623-7486